
This Chrome extension will display Instagram's hidden ‘like’ counts

But only on the web app.

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Okay, so you miss stalking the number of likes on your ex’s Instagram post. Lucky for you, there’s a new Chrome extension that will display the number of likes on each post in your feed, undoing Instagram's controversial new update.

It’s only available for the web app right now — Because Return of the Likes is a Chrome extension, it only works with desktop webpages. That means you won’t be able to use it when you’re scrolling through the Instagram app on your phone. There’s no plan to develop a mobile version of the extension.

Created with social media professionals in mind — “People doing social media content research are interested in seeing the number of likes or comments posts usually get,” Andrei Serbanoui, co-founder of Socialinsider and creator of the extension told Forbes. “Brands need to be aware of what the competition is doing to make sure they don’t fall behind.”

Do we need this? — Probably not, unless you’re a social media manager or an influencer.

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