
This tiny Singaporean smart home is as clever as it is cost-effective


The price of the latest Nestron tiny home called the Legend Two X.


Down-sized living of the sort pioneered by tiny house pundits is constantly being refined by its advocates. Smart tiny home maker, Nestron, is one of the growing number of companies introducing innovative, compact house designs. Its latest tiny smart home is the Legend Two X, a $98,000 abode that packs a surprisingly large number of features into surprisingly diminutive dimensions.

The Legend Two X covers a dainty little 25.5 square meters, and that's about it. It has a living room, one bedroom, a kitchen, a bar counter, and — of course — a bathroom. To give a touch of fancy, the smart home comes with its own fine decor and French windows for expanded views. Given its reliance on timber, you'll be pleased to learn the Legend Two X is termite resistant.

Check out the exterior of the tiny smart home below, and keep reading to see its utilitarian floor layout and a 360-degree view of the small but impressively flexible space.


Downsized living, upsized benefits — Aside from having a baller name, the Legend Two X comes in three variants, so you're less limited in terms of options than you might expect from something so compact. Think of it as less of a container-styled house and more of a cabin-style home.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nestron has found a steady and loyal consumer base among Americans as many have left larger cities and turned to more suburban living to keep costs down and enjoy the benefits of space during a lockdown, the company found an opportunity to offer much smaller homes to buyers who want to embrace the tiny living ethos. It's a movement that is slowly but surely taking hold of those interested in owning real estate of their own, even if it's smaller than perhaps their parents' imagined when they spoke about "getting a place of their own."


Ready to rock — Nestron's houses are prefabricated but are ready to go as soon as they're set up. The company says all the appliances, furniture, and construction elements are "integrated" and its AI assistant it calls "Canny" is ready to control them out of the box (so to speak).

Bigger isn't always better — Nestron's designers and enthusiastic owners of its homes insist that the tiny life philosophy provides great freedom and utility. If you need convincing, take a look at this 360-degree tour of the Legend Two X itself.

Arguments in favor of tiny living are pretty compelling. Almost two-thirds of Americans claim that they live paycheck to paycheck, and a heavy portion of their finances go to maintaining a roof over their heads. By paring down their needs to the basics, a one-time investment in a tiny home can let owners focus on what's important and give them the incentive to discard what isn't. It's the architectural realization of thoughtful minimalist living commercialized, packaged, and sold.